What a fun evening! Gorgeous weather, great performance, enthusiastic audience and high energy level..... a member told me that the recitals get better every time - it is such a complement and very pleasing comment to receive. The whole evening was almost perfect, except for some annoying daddy-long-legs flying around in the concert room!
Tom and Alasdair form an excellent combination. Their timing and balance their the two instruments was so precise.
It was such a pity that I couldn't pay full attention to the performance, as I was turning pages for Alasdair (of course that was such an honour - to sit next to this gorgeous pianist!). I knew Tom was an excellent violinist as I had seen him play three times before yesterday's concert at Breinton. He is represented by YCAT, Young Concert Artists Trust, which is a very prestigous organisation. But I had never met Alasdiar nor been to any of his recitals, so I was really curious as to what kind of pianist he was. As it turns out - I felt he was a very caring and sensible partner to Tom. Often with piano and violin duos, the pianists go their own way and overwhelm the violin as a result. Alasdair's playing was very considerate and warm, therefore creating a good match with Tom's violin. I am planning to go to his solo recital in the near future and cannot wait to find out what he is like when he is playing solo.Â
Tom and Alasdair indulged us with some very interesting and informative narratives between the pieces, which also added some fun elements to the evening. I think it is one of the best features of recitals at Breinton, as the audience feel much closer to the performers and get knowledge about the pieces being performed, which you couldn't normally experience in concert halls. They were also very relaxed and friendly - for example, this is the first time our invited artists have mingled with the audience during the interval.
Can I please have your feedback for this event - any and all comments are welcome. Although I believe they delivered an excellent performance (I heard the audience "wow" during 'Kreuzer') I couldn't pay full attention as I mentioned above, so I'd love to know what you thought of them. Click on "Write Comment" below and add your comment right here on the website, or write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
PS. I have never seen such hungry musicans as Tom and Alasdair. They arrived hungry, ate before the performance and during the interval, and were still eating after everybody left! I don't know how they stay so thin! Whoever else invites them to another event, can you please make sure you have enough to eat for them!
- Schubert Sonatina No. 1 in D major, D384
- Brahms Sonata No. 2 in A major, Op. 100
- Beethoven Sonata No. 9 in A major, Op. 47 "Kreutzer"
Tom's complete biography. Alasdair's complete biography.